May business owners have never heard of a blog and think most internet networking sites are for the kids to talk about what they did in school yesterday. While social networking may have been originally developed to help younger people stay in touch, businesses have found that a web log, or blog, can help them, stay in contact with customers, suppliers and even the competition. There are literally millions of blogs available on the internet and they can be quick, easy and cheap to set up and start using.
The basic concept of a blog is an open forum for talk about a specified topic. It allows the blog owner to post a thought on the subject and leaves the door open for others to respond to their comments, effectively initiating and continuing a dialog on any number of topics. Businesses can also use keywords in their blog entries to make them easier to find in search engines and inviting others to visit and leave a comment. Heck, in addition to potential customers a business can even make some money from their blog.
Blog sites that provide the medium for free may not accept users placing advertising on their free site, but companies that charge for the technology's use generally allow the users to post anything legal on their blog pages. In addition to information about your own business, you can post advertisements from other sites and earn money from sales on other people's products. Advertising your blog is similar to advertising your website, but linking your site to the blog and vice-versa can draw traffic to both areas.
Blogs are sometimes known to be controversial and depending on the subject matter, can help or harm a business. Sometimes it is better if a business owner's true personal opinion are not expressed on a blog as it could harm the way people view the business. In most cases, blog entries should be positive and informative about the subject matter and be accepting to other's opinions on the subject. Who knows? The blog owner may actually learn something from someone else just from an entry placed on the blog.
Once you have decided to begin a blog for your business, you should decide on a theme and the standards for which the blog will become known. It should also be well established that posts that violate the standards will be removed and if an unacceptable entry is made, it needs to be removed as soon as it is discovered. While you do not want to stifle this sharing of ideas, you also do not want to become a forum for personal attacks and other non-essential conversation.
By working to keep your blog on track and focused in a positive light, more people will be acceptable to sharing their own thoughts. If they see a history of personal attacks against people providing information, they will not be willing to become part of the show. They need to know the business blog is run in a professional manner before they will join in the discussion.
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