Building a home business requires many parts coming together at the right time and marketing the business can make it popular among a wide range of audiences. Even internet-based companies need to be known and accepted in their home communities and business owners who play where they live generally have a better chance of success. Being involved in the community can help a community become involved in the business.
Regardless of the type of business you are in, becoming known in your home community can have many benefits. It can also become part of your marketing strategy, even if no one recognizes your involvement as a business growth strategy. Consider the uniforms worn by youth sports teams and ask how many of the companies that sponsor those teams do so out of the goodness of their heart. If that was the case, the name of the business would not be on the backs of all the uniforms and would not be read in every newspaper article that publishes the score of the local games.
When parents are attending one of junior's games and they are need of a plumber, who do you think they are going to call? Chances are the company whose name is on the back of the uniform will get the business. Of course, adult-themed businesses are not usually acceptable as sponsors for these activities, but the idea is the same no matter what type of business it is.
Targeting your name and message is equally important as no matter how many ads or how much money is spent, if it is only seen or heard by people who have no use for your services, it will be a wasted effort. Consultants often find that membership in local social or civic service organizations is a great place to recruit business. One rule of thumb though, unless specifically asked, never discuss your business during a social gathering.
This is often viewed as pandering to the masses or preaching to a captive audience. If someone asks a question, hand them a business card with an invitation to call or, better yet, ask when it would best to contact them so you can supply more detailed and more accurate information rather than discussing it at a community picnic. It takes a lot of time and effort to be part of a community and even some who have lived in the same town for years are not well-known outside their own backyard.
For awhile, at least, you need to forget about all the hype surrounding the internet marketing and advertising and make your home community the base for getting your name out in the public view. Even if only a few individuals may be able to use your services, others may know of someone who can. It is not only who you know that helps your marketing efforts, it is also who they know that helps grow your business. The important thing is to be known by someone, who knows someone, who knows someone and so on.
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