Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
lawn chair millionaire
Work at Home as an Independent Contractor or Employee
In the work at home job market there are two different options of status. A person can either be an employee or an independent contractor. The two are very different and understanding them is very important.
As an Employee
An employee is the type of working status that most people are familiar with. In general, most jobs outside the home are employee positions. An employee works exclusively for the company. The company pays taxes on their behalf and withholds taxes form their paycheck. The person enters into an agreement to work for a certain amount of pay and usually for specified work hours.
As an employee a person is entitled to benefits. They may get health insurance, paid days off, vacation time and other perks from the company. They also qualify for unemployment through the government and workers compensation due to injury on the job.
An employee position in the work at home job market is something rare. There are opportunities, but mostly the work at home jobs are for independent contractors.
As an Independent Contractor
An independent contractor works for no one but themselves. An independent contractor simply makes an agreement to work for the company, but is not an exclusive member of the company or otherwise indebted to the company. Usually the work agreement is for a set amount or set time period and the pay is often negotiable. The company dopes not pay taxes nor do they withhold taxes for the independent contractor.
The independent contractor does not get benefits and can not qualify for certain government benefits. Additionally, a company does not have to guarantee work beyond the contract to the independent contractor. They can use the independent contractor only when they need them. However, an independent contractor has more freedom.
When an independent contractor is not in a contract with a company then they are free to work with someone else or to even take time off. They have more control over their time because they are not locked into an everyday agreement. Most work at home jobs are going to fall under the position of an independent contractor.
Why do Work at Home Jobs Tend to be for Independent Contractors?
The reason is that most companies choose to use home workers because it is cheaper. They do not have to pay for a work space for them or the tools and equipment they need to do their job. So, the company doesn’t want to have to be locked into using them all the time or having to pay out benefits. Using independent contractors makes more sense and saves more money.
In many cases there are positions as independent contractors that are like a hybrid of being an employee and independent contractor. These positions offer a set work schedule and pay but have the benefit of freedom and still require a person to pay their own taxes.
When looking for a work at home job a person should not be too stuck on finding a position as an employee. It is best to understand both types of positions so you can be okay with either type.
Last Chance
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
The Keys to Advertising that Works for Home Business
Advertising is a large part of a successful online business. Being able to advertise and draw in business is the core of success. Choosing the right advertising is important. There are things a person can do when it comes to advertising that may work for some businesses, but that does not work for theirs. Understanding how to target advertise is incredibly important in an online home business.
Target market is a term that a person will hear a lot in business. The idea of a target market is that a product will not always sell to everyone. For example, baby diapers are not going to sell to children. The best people to market to for baby diapers would be moms because it has been shown they are the most likely to buy them. So, a target market is basically, the group of people who is most likely to buy a product.
Figuring out the target market for some products will be simple, but it can be challenging for other products. A person may have to do some research and look through their customer records to determine what their target market is. However, the work is all worth it because once the target market is identified, the target advertising can begin.
Target advertising involves specific advertising to the target market. The target market will have certain places they frequent which make the perfect places to place advertising. They will also have a certain style that can be used to design the advertising. Knowing the target market makes advertising so much easier and more effective.
Another aspect of advertising effectively is to understand competition. Competition is any business that sells the same or similar products or services. This is important because there are also businesses out there that are complementary businesses. These businesses sell products or services that are not going to compete with your business, but actually complement your business. They may sell a product that works with your product or they may sell to your target market. It is a great idea to hook up with a complementing business when advertising.
The idea of a target market and complementing business can really take marketing efforts to a whole new level. Marketing efforts can be streamlined. Costs for marketing will go down and the effectiveness will really skyrocket. It is trick of marketing that many people do not understand, so understanding it can mean a lot of success for the home business owner.
For a business owner to take advantage of these concepts they should start by identifying their target market and complementing businesses. Then they can begin to contact the other businesses and develop advertising that works for their target market.
This is a great insider tip on marketing that many home business owners never end up knowing. It is something that can really help a business go from something small to something amazing. Every home business owner should understand these two key concepts in order to make their home business a success.
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Working At Home
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
lawn chair millionaire
How to Make the Transition to Working at Home
When starting a work at home job it can be difficult in the beginning to make the transition between working outside the home and working at home. They really are two different worlds. It is not only something that the worker must get used to, but also their family and friends have to get used to it.
When starting a work at home job a person has to let everyone know what is going on. They should clearly set boundaries. They will need to let people know when they are working and should not be bothered. Additionally, it can help to dedicate a space just for working. This space should not be around distractions or interruptions. It is very important that everyone understands that work is going on and distractions are not okay.
This can be hard to do, but by explaining to family and friends about the job can help. A person should tell then what they are doing, what type of work they will be doing and who they work for. They can share details or whatever makes them comfortable. The idea is to let people know this is real and it is serious.
It is challenging because friends and family would not barge into your place of work outside the home, but they see no problem with that when you work at home. That is why setting boundaries is so important.
Staying focused can be another problem. If you are having issues with boundaries then staying focused can be even harder. However, staying focused can also be a problem when you lack drive and discipline. Being at home there are far more distractions then when working outside the home. The dishes in the sink or the laundry can be enough to ruin your productivity. A person really must make sure they do not let things distract them. It is important o set a specific time for working when nothing else should be done but work.
Being responsible is the ultimate key to being successful at working at home. A responsible person is going to keep organized and ensure they complete work that needs done. Most employers are specifically going to look for a worker that shows signs of being responsible because an irresponsible person in the work at home job is a person who does not get the job done. Being responsible involves staying on track and making sure that the job is getting done. It can sometimes be difficult in the work at home environment when a person is so used to being led and told what to do in an outside job.
Working at home is so different from working outside the home. It helps to get advice about making that transition. It can be hard in the beginning to get used to working at home, but making that transition is important. It has to be quick or the job could be on the line. All the hard work will pay off in the end because working at home is very beneficial. Working at home is something that most people would live to do, but that never becomes a reality. When a person gets the chance is it a shame when they blow it because they can not make a smooth transition.
Last Chance
Sunday, 25 May 2008
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Monday, 19 May 2008
Work at Home Record Keeping
Keeping records is something that most people never consider when they start working at home. This can be a major problem because most work at home positions are as an independent contractor. What this means is that the employer does not with holds taxes and you are responsible for paying them. Record keeping is important because it allows you to keep track of your earnings and of things you can take as deductions on your taxes.
Tools you Need
For good recordkeeping it is important to have some basic items. You should have a record book of some sort, usually a notebook works fine. You will also need a filing system of some kind. It can just be folders that you label. That is really all you need to get started with your record keeping.
What to Record
You will start by using the notebook to record the hours you work or the projects you complete, depending on what type of work you are doing. Be sure to record the date, name of the client (if applicable) and the pay rate. Depending on what you are doing you may also record when you get paid for the job and the date it is due to be completed. You should also have a record book for expenses. This includes internet, phone and other purchases or work related expenses. In one of your files or folders you need to keep receipts on all expenses.
You should also keep in your folders copies of work assignments or other things you get from your employer that show the work was assigned and completed by you. If you bank online you should also keep records of the payments made to you for work completed. Basically a good rule is to keep anything you think may be important. Just make sure to have separate folders for each type of record you keep. This helps you to stay organized.
Stay on Top of It
One of the most important aspects of record keeping is staying on top of it. You do not want to let it slip and try to play catch up. Things get lost or confused when you try to do this. It is important to complete records and record things as they happen. Once you fall behind it can be hard to get things back in order.
Additionally, for some work at home jobs you have to keep records or will end up not getting paid because you do not know what you have done and can not send an invoice to the customer.
Record keeping is beneficial for you because it can help you ensure you get paid and it will come in helpful when doing your taxes. The important of record keeping in the work at home job can not be over emphasized. You will find that good records allow you to be more professional and organized. You will do better work and be taken more seriously when you keep good records.
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There is a lot of confusion for people getting into the work at home world about the difference between a legitimate home business and a scam. It is not surprising that people are thinking about it because work at home scams can be very damaging. Many people have spent a lot of money, wasted a lot of time and invested a lot into these scams that, in the end, result in no money earned.
The main point of confusion comes with the top work at home tip. Almost anywhere a person goes to inquire about working at home they will see the number one tip – Never pay to work at home. This is a great piece of advice, but when it comes to a home business it is not completely true.
There is a fine line between paying for a scam and paying for an opportunity. Many scammers have even caught on and have changed the way they do things to make themselves look legitimate, which causes even more problems. It used to be that if you received a product or sales kit for the investment that you could assume it is legitimate. Many times with a scam they will send something that they claim is a sales kit, so it makes it hard to see the difference between a scam and something real.
So how does a person keep themselves away from a scam when they want to get into a home business? All it takes is a little knowledge about keeping yourself safe. The following are two great tips that can help anyone avoid a scam and find a legitimate home business.
- Always check out the business. The Better Business Bureau is a nice start, but a person can not always get all the information. A search online with the company’s name and the word scam will turn up better results. When people get scammed they are quick to tell the world and there will be signs all over the internet to tell if a company is a scam. Additionally, if nobody has heard of the company or there is nothing that comes up online about them then that is also a good sign they are not legitimate.
- Know what the investment is for. A person should know exactly what they are getting for their investment. It should be something that is valuable and well worth the investment. For example, a person would not pay $100 as an investment for 5 brochures. That doesn’t make sense and is a sign of a scam.
These may seem like simple things to do, but they are one way to ensure that a company is real and not a scam. Just by doing these two simple things a person can really dodge a problem. They are simple things to do and they will not take much time. Usually scammers keep trying the same old game over and over. People will make sure that others are alerted so they can avoid the problems. That is one of the great things about home business and the online business environment – everyone looks out for everyone else.
In the search for a work at home job or a home business a person is going to run into something called affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are very popular and they can also be a very profitable and successful choice. Understanding them is important, though, before getting involved with one.
One of the first things a person needs to know about affiliate programs is the difference between them and a pyramid scheme. The two are very familiar, but there is a key difference. The difference is that with an affiliate program there are products or services being sold. In a pyramid scheme no products or services are sold. The reason these two can be confused is that both involve recruiting others in order to earn income. However, with an affiliate program recruiting is only part of the income. Selling products is another way to earn income and recruiting others is not even mandatory to earning money.
The basic idea of an affiliate program is that it starts with a company that is selling something. This company decides to find people who will sell their products or services for them. The company recruits these people, called affiliates, to sell their products and earn a commission for each product they sell. Usually the company will supply the affiliate with a website and all the tools they need to get started. The affiliate’s job then becomes advertising their website and selling the products from their website so they earn a commission.
In addition to selling the products or services, an affiliate is encouraged to get others to sign up for the program. When an affiliate gets others to sign up for the program they then earn money on that affiliates sales. When those new affiliates’ sign up people, the original affiliate earns money form them too. It keeps going like that so that a person can earn money on people who sign up many levels beneath them. This is the real money making area of an affiliate program, however, the bottom line is that if nobody sells anything then no money is made. A person can not earn money simply by signing up people if nobody is selling anything.
Affiliate programs are so popular because they are easy to get into. Most companies have well established programs that make getting started simple. Additionally, the earning potential is quite huge if a person really puts effort in to sales and recruiting new affiliates. With an affiliate program a person is really in control of how much they earn. It is a great idea for someone who is interested in a home business without all the start up work.
The keys to being really successful with an affiliate program are to choose the program wisely and then use it wisely. This means choosing to be part of an affiliate program with good products and a good reputation. It also means selling products and recruiting with effort given to each. Affiliate programs may be the thing you are looking for when it comes to a home business that is going to be inexpensive to start up and has a very good success potential.
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
The Two Types of Home Business
There are two types of home businesses. These two types are quite different when it comes to operating the business and even handling customers. The two types of home businesses are – service and product.
Service based home businesses involves selling a service to a customer. These businesses can usually get started for a small investment. They require a lot of commitment to the customer. In a service business the customer service is very important because the customer is not only buying the service but also the interaction with the business owner. The one main concern is delivering the service to the customer. You will be responsible for making sure you can effectively deliver the product. That may involve only selling in a specific are or utilizing tools like email or downloads. You may end up having to take a computer class or getting outside help to deliver your service.
A product based home business involves selling a product to the customer. The products are the main sales point. Customer service is important but it is really the product that draws in the customer and keeps them coming back. With a product business there are two options – selling your own product or selling someone else’s product. These two options are different, as well.
Selling your own product means you have to keep inventory of the product. You have to manufacture the product and handle all the legal issues about the product. You are in complete control over every aspect of the business. You ship, handle issues and sell. Everything is your responsibility. It is a big thing to take on, but if you have a good product it can mean huge profits.
Selling someone else’s product is easier. You usually do not keep an inventory or have to ship the product. Additionally, all of the legal aspects and product stuff is handled by the manufacturer. The major downside, though, is that you usually share in the profits with the manufacturer.
As you can see, a home business means a lot of choice. How do you decide which is the best choice for you? That usually involves thinking about what you are going to sell. If you already know then you know what type of home business is best for you. However, if you do not know then you will have to go out and start brainstorming. See what options are available and figure out what you want to do.
Getting into a home business can be really rewarding. It is important, though, to choose the right type of home business. Making the wrong choice could mean you end up not happy with your business or that you have problems getting it started or running it.
Learning as much as possible about each type of home business is a great way to make sure that you end up choosing the right one. It can really make a difference in the long run. You will find that by choosing the right home business that you find it easier to make decisions, sell to the customers and develop a good business plan.
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Sunday, 18 May 2008
Yahoo! Account Services: Password Changed
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3. Visit the Yahoo! Security Center ( to learn how to protect yourself from phishing attacks.
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Yahoo! Account Services: Password Changed
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1. Someone changed your password on May 19, 2008 at 01:01pm NZST. You may confirm this by going to any Yahoo! page and attempting to sign in.
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3. Visit the Yahoo! Security Center ( to learn how to protect yourself from phishing attacks.
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Being Your Own Boss
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
The Challenges of Being your Own Boss
Being your own boss is a great experience. It is liberating and it seems like a dream come true for many people. However, being your own boss is also a lot of responsibility and something that some people may struggle with. It takes a special person to be able to stay motivated and focused enough to be their own boss. Fortunately, almost anyone can learn how to be their own boss just by understanding the challenges of the job.
Meeting deadlines and getting things done is something that the average worker simply does or they know they will be fired. In the work at home environment, though, those rules can sometimes be laxed. There may not be someone right there saying things need to get done. Clients may not be pushy, but that doesn’t mean they are not noticing the lack of professionalism. Being your own boss means being responsible and meeting deadlines. This requires a good schedule and being able to focus and stay on task.
It can be hard to not let the independence of the situation take over. A person may just be so happy that they can do what they more often that they forget about the work part of working at home. This is where problems happen. Having a good schedule can really help to prevent problems with too much independence.
Another problem is that finding a work at home job can sometimes be difficult. It can take time and it is important for a person to not get too frustrated or let the stress get to them. They should stay focused and keep at it. Being professional in all dealings will really go a long way to helping a person secure a work at home position. Persistence is key. A person needs to keep applying and soon they will find the work at home position that works best for them. It doesn’t hurt to also network and learn more about all the opportunities out there. Focusing too much on a specific type of job can be a problem, too.
Many people are not used to having to sell themselves. In the traditional working environment most people are chosen for a job on the criteria of whether or not they can do the job. In the work at home environment, though, employers want to know they are capable of doing the job and capable of working at home. This involves a person having to sell themselves to the employer so they know they can get the job done.
Working at home and being your own boss is a challenge. If it was easy then everyone would be doing it. That is why only some people can make working at home work for them. It is not something for everyone. Being your own boss means being responsible, staying focus, being persuasive and being committed. There really is no room for slacking because that will only cause problems. Being your own boss can be a very rewarding experience, but at the same time it requires a string will and drive to get those rewards.
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Friday, 16 May 2008
At Home Benefits
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
Top Benefits of Working at Home
Working at home is something that many people are curious about. It is something many people consider to be impossible. There are many times that a person doesn’t fully understand just what they can get from working at home. It is a very beneficial and rewarding experience and is one that once you experience it, you will never want to do anything else.
Working at home has many benefits over working in an office or working for someone else. The top benefits of working at home are the main reason why so many people are finding their niche in the work at home market. People love what they get out of being their own boss.
Top Benefit #1 – Freedom
There is a lot of responsibility in being your own boss and working at home, but at the same time there is a lot of freedom, as well. A person that works at home can arrange a schedule to fit their needs. They can work around their life instead of having to schedule their life around work. Work no longer takes center stage and monopolizes every moment. Any person that works at home will say that they find they are enjoying life more than ever before because they have freedom.
Top Benefit #2 – Control
Working at home means a person is in control. If they do not want to do something then they do not have to. They have nobody to answer to and nobody to blame but themselves. Control also means that a person can usually choose how much money they want to make. In many work at home situations the earning potential is only limited by the worker themselves. A person has control over their earnings and therefore has the ability to make much more then they ever could in a 9 to 5 job where earning is usually ridged and controlled by the employer.
Top Benefit #3 – Security
Many people do not see the security in working at home. They often think quite the opposite, actually and believe that there is less security working at home. The truth is that working at home offers a person security because the person is in charge. They choose who they do business with. They can work with multiple clients so if one client stops giving them business they still have others to fall back on. A person is in control of their own security and it is easy to build a secure work at home job.
Working at home is worth it when looking at these top three benefits. There is so much to be offered by working at home over working a traditional job. Most people who work at home will say they would never be able to conform back into the traditional working world because they have seen how great being free, in control and secure can be. It is easy to see why they would say that. The traditional work environment is a place where a person has not control over anything and where someone else has complete control – no wonder so many people are stressed out by their work environment. Working at home is a peaceful environment that many people miss out on because they do not take the time to see the benefits.
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Monday, 12 May 2008
The Importance Of A Website
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
The Importance of a Website to a Home Business
There are two types of home businesses. One type sells products and the other sells services. For a product based home business there is nothing that is more important to success then a website. A products based home business must have a website because that will become the actual face of the business.
In the online environment, websites are everything. Without a website a business is not going to make it because there will be no place for customers to come and see or buy the products. Basically, for the home business a website is the storefront. It is exactly like a physical store for them. Imagine a business in the physical world trying to sell products without a store. That would be quite difficult and not very profitable. A business must have some place from where they sell their products. That is the bottom line.
With that in mind, a business owner needs to set up a website because it is important. Setting up a website requires some skills. Fortunately there are so many options that allow a person to set up their own website without having to hire expensive programmers or other professionals to do it. There are many website making programs that handle all the programming and involve simply the aesthetics of website creation.
The website should have some key characteristics. They are as follows:
- Showcase the business. This includes what the products are and information about the company. Nothing should be left to question. When a customer comes to the website they should easily be able to find the information they need.
- Develop a strong image. Every business that is well known has strong image that is recognizable. This may include using a slogan or a mascot, but not matter what it should be a major point of the website.
- Make it easy to use. People want to shop where it is easy to shop. Giving them an easy to use website is a great way to make it easier for them to buy and make it more likely they will want to shop there.
There are plenty of things a website should have, but these are the main points. Basically, the whole idea behind a website is that it is the communication point between the customer and the business. These three points make that clear and also bring up the fact that a website is also the main representation of the business.
People are going to look at the business website for an idea of what the business is all about. If it is not professional then they will assume the business is not professional. People do not do business with unprofessional companies. It is easy to see the major importance of a good website to a home business.
Many times home businesses fail because they just do not get the point of a website. This is a critical point to being successful in a home business. It can not be stressed enough that for a home business to succeed, it must have a strong website.
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To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Sunday, 11 May 2008
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Copyright © Kerry Thomson
Putting Together a Work at Home Resume
One of the first things a person must do when they are starting to look for a work at home position is to put together a work at home resume. As with any job search, a resume is the tool that is used to sell to potential employers. A person needs their resume to fit the work at home environment, though. It is not a good idea to take a resume meant for a traditional employer and try to use it for work at home job searches.
A work at home resume is going to have a different focus then a traditional resume. The work at home employer is looking for some different things then a traditional employer is. The work at home employer wants a person that can handle working at home. Working at home is not something everyone can do and it can be challenging. Employers want to see that a person can handle those challenges.
A resume needs to covey to an employer that the person can handle working independently. It should show examples to back up the claims. It should show the person can handle deadlines and getting things done despite the distractions that come with the work at home atmosphere. Something that can help is using past employers who can act as a reference to the fact that home life didn’t often interfere with work. This is a strong point that will show a person can handle family and working at home with a good balance.
The resume should also speak to the job. This is actually something any resume should do, but with online work it is even more important. In general, a person should understand that every job they are trying to get has at least 50 other applicants vying for it. The market is very competitive, so a person has to be focused. The resume should highlight achievements and skills that were specifically mentioned by the employer in their employment ad.
Another thing is that part of working at home is running a business. Even if the job is working for an employer, it is still more of a business then any traditional job. That is because most work at home jobs are independent contractor positions. This means there are no guarantees. There are no benefits and the employer has to allow for some flexibility. Having this much independence makes employers weary. A person must show they are professional and not going to be a slacker.
The work at home resume is really the key sales tool a person has. It is the one way to really show an employer what you have to offer. That is why the resume is an important part of working at home. Before a person ever answers an ad or fills out an application they need to have a general resume. The general resume should address the work at home side of things – proving they are responsible and can work independently. The general resume then is changed for each job to make it tailored to that employer and that job. The use of a cookie cutter resume is never a good idea. If a person is serious about working at home then they will truly understand the work at home resume.
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To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Saturday, 10 May 2008
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Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Net working
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
Networking your Way to Working at Home
Networking has always been an important aspect of the business world, but in the work at home environment it is essential. In the traditional business world, networking is usually handled higher up in the company and most people just go abut their job without giving it a second thought. However, in the work at home environment, networking is the key to success.
It does not matter what type of work at home job a person has or is looking for, networking is important. Networking is the only way to find good positions, build business and stay on top.
Networking is basically socializing. In the work at home environment it is talking with other people who work at home. This is actually not too difficult because there are plenty of websites dedicated to bring together people who work at home. A web search will yield great results.
A person should seek out people who are in the same market as them, doing the same work they are doing or want to do. Many of the work at home websites have message boards that are broken up according to the type of work people do. This makes it pretty simple to meet people.
It is important that a person understands the protocol, though, of work at home networking. There are some unwritten ‘rules’ about networking that a person needs to know or else they could ruin their ability to successfully network.
While the internet may seem like a pretty large place, it really is not. It can be surprising how many people know each other and how quick word can travel. It is like a small town in that aspect. That is why a person has to be careful when they are networking.
One of the top things is that a person should know they can not just jump in and start bombarding people with questions. It is important to make friends and be a part of the community first.
Another thing a person should avoid is being fake. People will quickly catch on and they will not talk with someone who is being fake. Honesty is always best. The biggest problem is going from one board to another and trying to act like a different person at each one. People do not like that and it will be discovered.
Lastly, a person needs to know that employers often frequent these places so it is always best to be professional. A person should not say something they would not be proud of or that they wouldn’t want an employer to see.
Networking can be the key to getting into the work at home world and being a success. It is next to impossible to get into a good work at home position without networking. Networking will also keep a person protected because it is the best way to find scams and avoid problems. Networking can be used to find a job, make friends and get great information. Working at home can be lonely and networking can build up that working environment that is lacking in the work at home workplace.
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Monday, 5 May 2008
Home Job Scam!
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
How to Spot a Work at Home Job Scam in 5 Steps
One of the pitfalls of working at home is that there are numerous scams out there. In the traditional job market spotting something that is not a real job or that is a bit shady is easy, but in the work at home environment where everything is pretty virtual it can be difficult. That is why when searching for a work at home job a person has to be ready to weed out the scams.
The following are 5 steps to use to spot a work at home scam. Each of the steps gives things to look at when considering a work at home opportunity. To use these 5 steps a person will go through each and see if the company passes or fails the step. A company needs to pass all 5 to be proven legit. By using all 5 steps a person should be able to avoid almost any scam out there without ending up losing money and wasting time on an opportunity that is bogus.
Step 1: The company gives no details. When looking at a company and the job offer there should be details that explain who the company is, what they do and what the job is all about. Working at home is not a secret affair and it should never be. If a company doesn’t give up information then it is likely a scam.
Step 2: The company requires payment up front to work with them. Now, this can be a weird area because in some cases up front payment is legit. Many people get caught up on this point. It is okay to pay upfront to get a sales kit in a direct sales situation. It is not okay to pay for an application fee or administrative fee. It is never okay to pay just to get information. If you are not getting actual product samples or sales tools then never pay.
Step 3: The company has no products or service. If a company does not immediate let a person know what they are selling then it is likely selling nothing. A company that is selling nothing is not a place where anyone should be working because it is a scam.
Step 4: The company is not known. It is rare that a work at home company will not have someone who knows about them. If the company is one that nobody has heard of and that no information can be found on then it is likely a scam. A real company will have buzz about it. People will be talking about them.
Step 5: Lastly, a person should always follow their gut instincts. If a business deal doesn’t feel right then it is likely not. A person should never go with a company or work at home position if they do not feel very good about it.
These 5 steps are the key to weeding out work at home scams. They can help a person to avoid falling for scams that can be quite costly. Many people who end up involved with a scam end up writing off the whole work at home experience. That is a shame because there really are a lot of good work at home companies out there.
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opportunities so you can work at home visit: