Monday, 28 April 2008
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
How to Make the Transition to Working at Home
When starting a work at home job it can be difficult in the beginning to make the transition between working outside the home and working at home. They really are two different worlds. It is not only something that the worker must get used to, but also their family and friends have to get used to it.
When starting a work at home job a person has to let everyone know what is going on. They should clearly set boundaries. They will need to let people know when they are working and should not be bothered. Additionally, it can help to dedicate a space just for working. This space should not be around distractions or interruptions. It is very important that everyone understands that work is going on and distractions are not okay.
This can be hard to do, but by explaining to family and friends about the job can help. A person should tell then what they are doing, what type of work they will be doing and who they work for. They can share details or whatever makes them comfortable. The idea is to let people know this is real and it is serious.
It is challenging because friends and family would not barge into your place of work outside the home, but they see no problem with that when you work at home. That is why setting boundaries is so important.
Staying focused can be another problem. If you are having issues with boundaries then staying focused can be even harder. However, staying focused can also be a problem when you lack drive and discipline. Being at home there are far more distractions then when working outside the home. The dishes in the sink or the laundry can be enough to ruin your productivity. A person really must make sure they do not let things distract them. It is important o set a specific time for working when nothing else should be done but work.
Being responsible is the ultimate key to being successful at working at home. A responsible person is going to keep organized and ensure they complete work that needs done. Most employers are specifically going to look for a worker that shows signs of being responsible because an irresponsible person in the work at home job is a person who does not get the job done. Being responsible involves staying on track and making sure that the job is getting done. It can sometimes be difficult in the work at home environment when a person is so used to being led and told what to do in an outside job.
Working at home is so different from working outside the home. It helps to get advice about making that transition. It can be hard in the beginning to get used to working at home, but making that transition is important. It has to be quick or the job could be on the line. All the hard work will pay off in the end because working at home is very beneficial. Working at home is something that most people would live to do, but that never becomes a reality. When a person gets the chance is it a shame when they blow it because they can not make a smooth transition.
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Sunday, 27 April 2008
Home Business vs Scam
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
Home Business vs. Scam
There is a lot of confusion for people getting into the work at home world about the difference between a legitimate home business and a scam. It is not surprising that people are thinking about it because work at home scams can be very damaging. Many people have spent a lot of money, wasted a lot of time and invested a lot into these scams that, in the end, result in no money earned.
The main point of confusion comes with the top work at home tip. Almost anywhere a person goes to inquire about working at home they will see the number one tip – Never pay to work at home. This is a great piece of advice, but when it comes to a home business it is not completely true.
There is a fine line between paying for a scam and paying for an opportunity. Many scammers have even caught on and have changed the way they do things to make themselves look legitimate, which causes even more problems. It used to be that if you received a product or sales kit for the investment that you could assume it is legitimate. Many times with a scam they will send something that they claim is a sales kit, so it makes it hard to see the difference between a scam and something real.
So how does a person keep themselves away from a scam when they want to get into a home business? All it takes is a little knowledge about keeping yourself safe. The following are two great tips that can help anyone avoid a scam and find a legitimate home business.
- Always check out the business. The Better Business Bureau is a nice start, but a person can not always get all the information. A search online with the company’s name and the word scam will turn up better results. When people get scammed they are quick to tell the world and there will be signs all over the internet to tell if a company is a scam. Additionally, if nobody has heard of the company or there is nothing that comes up online about them then that is also a good sign they are not legitimate.
- Know what the investment is for. A person should know exactly what they are getting for their investment. It should be something that is valuable and well worth the investment. For example, a person would not pay $100 as an investment for 5 brochures. That doesn’t make sense and is a sign of a scam.
These may seem like simple things to do, but they are one way to ensure that a company is real and not a scam. Just by doing these two simple things a person can really dodge a problem. They are simple things to do and they will not take much time. Usually scammers keep trying the same old game over and over. People will make sure that others are alerted so they can avoid the problems. That is one of the great things about home business and the online business environment – everyone looks out for everyone else.
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opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Designing The Best Website
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
Designing the best Website for your Home Business
There is a lot of information about how to build a good business website out there. There are a lot of tips and tricks on how to build a website without needing a programmer or hiring a professional. All of these technical tips and little pieces of advice often overlook the big picture and end up making the home business owner micromanage the small details. While this is nice and will actually be good for the business it is not the only advice a person needs to hear in order to build a good business website.
There are three key points to building a good business website. These three points can easily be lost in the technical aspect of building a website. They are very important, though, to the user. When building a website keeping the user in mind is important, especially when building a business website where the user is key to success.
The three points are as follows:
Point #1
Make it easy to use.
A website should be easy to use. A visitor should be able to navigate the site without hassle. This means they do not need to be bombarded with pop up ads or have to search for anything. Everything needs to right there for them and they should be able to easily see how shopping and checking out works.
Point #2
It should be informative.
Online users are now used to websites that are informative and actually offer them something. Most people will simply leave a website if they can not get information from it. People are spoiled, but that doesn’t matter. A website needs a section with a blog or articles that allow the user to get useful information.
Point #3
It should be clear and simple.
This goes along with being easy to use. A website should not be cluttered or difficult to figure out. People are not going to work to get to anything on a website. If they can not figure it out then they will leave. Menus should be clear and every aspect of the shopping experience should be clear.
In order to ensure a website meets these three points a business owner should try it out before going live. They should go through the website and make sure it is not confusing or there is too much on any page. It is also a good idea to put up a survey that allows visitors to say what they do and do not like about the site.
Making sure these three points are covered will really help to make a website a success. It can be a big boost for a home business, as well. People want a good experience and a good experience includes a website that is easy to use, informative and clear. This is all something that can be worked into the final steps of building a website. Once the technical things are handled the focus can shift to making it user friendly and making it a website that people are going to want to visit.
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opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Choosing The Best
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
Choosing the Best Internet to Work At Home
When it comes to working at home one of the most important things you will need is internet access. The majority of work at home jobs are going to require internet access to do the work, stay in contact with employers and even find a work at home job in the first place. Having a good internet connection is of the utmost importance if a person wants to be successful in working at home.
There are a few different options in internet access. The difference between them is basically in speed and reliability. The differences can be major when it comes to being able to work an at home job. It is very important that you understand the basics of each type. The general types of internet access are dial up, DSL and cable.
Dial up internet is the slowest speed of internet and the least reliable. Dial up internet will occupy the telephone line, so if a job requires a person to be online and on the phone at the same time then the person will need two phone lines. Additionally, downloading with a dial up internet connection can be quite time consuming. Most work at home employers require more then a dial up internet connection due its limitations. Dial up used to be the most affordable, but there are many companies that offer great deals for high speed connections.
DSL internet connection is a high speed option. It also runs through the phone lines, but allows a person to be on the phone at the same they are on the internet. It also runs fairly quickly and downloading is faster then with dial up. DSL also reports rather good reliability with minimal down time or problems. Most work at home employers approve of a DSL internet connection. DSL is sold through phone companies and they often offer great bundled deals where you can get a good rate on both phone and internet.
Cable internet is the fastest internet connection type. Cable internet works very quickly. It allows for the fastest downloads, too. Some problems with reliability have been reported with cable internet, though. If a person lives in an area where the cable service often goes out then a cable internet connection is going to be out a lot, too. Work at home employers approve of cable internet connections, though, because they offer good speed. Cable companies have started to offer a wonderful deal where you can get cable, internet and phone service in a cheap bundled package.
Choosing a good internet connection is going to be largely based upon the type of work a person is planning on doing. Certain jobs may be work with a dial up connection, while other jobs need a high speed connection. You should look into the options that are available in your area. It is good to ask around and see what provider is more reliable and who can offer you the best value for your money.
You will have to have internet access is you want your work at home dreams to come true. It is better to be informed then just choose a service. Understanding the service you are choosing is going to allow you to make the best choice and get the best results.
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opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
My 5 Biggest Challenges
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
5 Biggest Challenges to Working at Home
Working at home is no piece of cake. Most people understand that, but they do not really get why it can be so challenging. Outlined here are the five biggest challenges to working at home. These challenges will not stop a person from working at home but can cause a lot of problems and ruin any chance for making it in the work at home environment.
Challenge #1
There is a lot of freedom when working at home and that means being able to manage time efficiently is very important. It can be easy to let time get away. It is also easy to underestimate how long a task or job will take and not allot enough time to get it done. To keep time from being a challenge a person should develop a schedule and be sure to schedule both work and free time.
Challenge #2
Many times family and friends do not take working at home seriously which can lead to problems with boundaries. It can be hard to tell someone ‘I am working’ and actually get them to understand and accept it. To help with boundary issues a person should set up a work at home area that is specifically for work. When in the work area no personal phones calls or interruptions should be tolerated.
Challenge #3
Too much independence
Working at home is about freedom, but being too independent can lead to problems. Everyone needs interaction with others. One of the perks of working outside the home is interacting with other people. When a person works at home it can be easy to withdraw into that world and forget about the outside world. The outside world is important, though. Networking is huge part of working at home success. Every person who works at home should find some type of online environment to belong to and be able to escape to during the work day just to relax.
Challenge #4
Being out of the loop
This kind of goes with independence. Being out of the loop means not staying informed. Working at home is about staying informed and knowing what is going on in the industry in which you are working. A person should be a part of online groups and other communities that will give them information they should know.
Challenge #5
Lack of support
As mentioned before, sometimes family and friends will not be supportive. It is common for them to not believe a person is really working and that they are just messing around. The way to combat this is to show them what is going on. A person should show what they do, how much money they make and make it clear that this is a real job.
These five challenges are going to be an issue for almost everyone who works at home. They are challenges that can be overcome, though, so they should never lead to a person giving up on working at home. Challenges will just make a person a better worker and teach them important skills they need to survive in the work at home environment.
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opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Monday, 21 April 2008
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
5 Work at Home Myths and Misconceptions
When it comes to working at home there are many myths and misconceptions out there. Many times these myths and misconceptions make people decide against working at home. They also can be harmful because they lead people to believe that working at home is something that it is not. A lot of the time people believe these things without even finding out if they are true or legitimate. It is important for a person who is interested in working at home to figure out fact from fiction.
The following are the top myths and misconceptions that a person may run into when looking into working at home:
1. Working at home means complete freedom. This is not completely true. While it has some truth to it is also a little misleading. The idea that a person is completely free when working at home does not make a lot of sense. The reason it is called working at home is because it involves work. If a person were truly free they would not have any work to do. So, working at home does give a person freedom, but at the same time it is still important to remember there is also time that must go into working.
2. Working at home works for everyone. This is completely not true. Working at home is not for everyone. It requires a lot of commitment, dedication, professionalism and organization. A person has to be able to commit to the work and get it done. Not everyone works well independently and on their own. Some people simply need direction and need someone to keep them going. For people like that working at home is not the best option.
3. Working at home is easy. This may come from the fact that working at home has many perks, but that does not mean it is easy. A person is still working and still has responsibilities. Working at home is like any other job. It is important that people understand working at home can sometimes be more demanding then working outside the home, but the payoffs are often what make it worth it.
4. There are no “real” work at home jobs. This is very wrong. Many people focus in on the scams and think that is what working at home is about. The truth is that there are many people out there working at home and making more then they ever could in a job outside the home. Many people are raising a family on their work at home job. There are many real work at home jobs, but it does take determination and work to find the good ones where the real potential is found.
These four myths and misconceptions can lead to real problems for people who believe them. Working at home is a wonderful opportunity that should not be missed simply due to believing things like this. A person should find out the truth before they give up completely on working at home.
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opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Sunday, 13 April 2008
New uVme Game: Blob Factory
Posted: 11 Apr 2008 10:29 AM CDT This is a screenshot from uVme's newest game, "Blob Factory", soon to be released on the .com games site. Internal testing suggests this is going to be an extremely popular game - it is similar in some ways to "Fruit Frenzy", currently our most-played game - and yet some who have tried it think Blob Factory is EVEN MORE FUN! You have to aim your little mechanical blob-shooter toward blobs of a similar colour to the one you need to shoot out. Three or more blobs of the same colour touching each other will POP as pictured above… but get it slightly wrong and you will run out of space for the never-ending production line of BLOBS, which means game over! To win, you pop enough of the blobs of each colour to fill up each of the test tubes in your blob-o-meter (pictured on the left of screen under "Target") before time runs out. Blob Factory Tournament To hear more about this new game and tournament, click here to download and listen to this week's uVme "Pioneers" web conference. |
Posted: 11 Apr 2008 10:28 AM CDT
You will be able to use your uVme card to: § Make "Point of Sale" card purchases in retail outlets wherever you see the Visa symbol § Make online purchases on any website that accepts Visa cards § Withdraw cash from ATMs around the world that display the Visa symbol - up to £650 GBP (or the $ / € equivalent) per day - much more than the usual £250 limit imposed by ATMs § The card is issued in £ Sterling, € Euros, and $ U.S. Dollars to save you money on foreign exchange charges § Spark up interest and conversations about uVme whenever you use it § Fastest way to access your uVme earnings § Full access to your online statement § Keep your uVme funds separate from other accounts, for accounting or simplicity What a fantastic talking point to get others interested in your business… the uVme debit card will give your business some serious "cred" - no pun intended! Imagine using it to pay for a meal for a group of prospects, and letting them know your business has paid for dinner! The card is connected to your .biz earnings, so you can use your e-wallet to easily fund the pre-paid card. You will also have access to your statement, card tutorials, and other card management services online. |
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opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Working At Home
Copyright © Kerry Thomson
5 Biggest Challenges to Working at Home
Working at home is no piece of cake. Most people understand that, but they do not really get why it can be so challenging. Outlined here are the five biggest challenges to working at home. These challenges will not stop a person from working at home but can cause a lot of problems and ruin any chance for making it in the work at home environment.
Challenge #1
There is a lot of freedom when working at home and that means being able to manage time efficiently is very important. It can be easy to let time get away. It is also easy to underestimate how long a task or job will take and not allot enough time to get it done. To keep time from being a challenge a person should develop a schedule and be sure to schedule both work and free time.
Challenge #2
Many times family and friends do not take working at home seriously which can lead to problems with boundaries. It can be hard to tell someone ‘I am working’ and actually get them to understand and accept it. To help with boundary issues a person should set up a work at home area that is specifically for work. When in the work area no personal phones calls or interruptions should be tolerated.
Challenge #3
Too much independence
Working at home is about freedom, but being too independent can lead to problems. Everyone needs interaction with others. One of the perks of working outside the home is interacting with other people. When a person works at home it can be easy to withdraw into that world and forget about the outside world. The outside world is important, though. Networking is huge part of working at home success. Every person who works at home should find some type of online environment to belong to and be able to escape to during the work day just to relax.
Challenge #4
Being out of the loop
This kind of goes with independence. Being out of the loop means not staying informed. Working at home is about staying informed and knowing what is going on in the industry in which you are working. A person should be a part of online groups and other communities that will give them information they should know.
Challenge #5
Lack of support
As mentioned before, sometimes family and friends will not be supportive. It is common for them to not believe a person is really working and that they are just messing around. The way to combat this is to show them what is going on. A person should show what they do, how much money they make and make it clear that this is a real job.
These five challenges are going to be an issue for almost everyone who works at home. They are challenges that can be overcome, though, so they should never lead to a person giving up on working at home. Challenges will just make a person a better worker and teach them important skills they need to survive in the work at home environment.
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opportunities so you can work at home visit: